Florida Business Purchase Agreement Template

Use our Florida business purchase agreement to record the sale of a business.

Updated July 23, 2023
Written by Josh Sainsbury | Reviewed by Brooke Davis

If you are embarking on purchasing a business in Florida, it can be both exciting and daunting. Many things must be taken care of, and several documents must be filled out and finalized.

One of these documents is a Florida business purchase agreement. This document is the contract for the sale of the business. Let’s look closer at buying and selling a business in Florida and the details of a business purchase agreement.

How to Buy and Sell a Business in Florida?

Whether you are buying or selling a business in Florida, here are the basic steps you will need to complete, as well as additional documents you may want to consider, such as:

How to Sell a Business in Florida?

When selling your business, the first thing to do is to determine its worth. Look at all of your financial statements, earnings, and assets. It may be beneficial to have a comprehensive business analysis done by a business broker.

After you have decided on the price of your business, the next step is to develop a marketing strategy. It would be best to inform potential buyers that your business is available.

As parties show interest, you can start meeting with prospective buyers. You must determine if they have the financial means and are suitable to purchase and successfully run the business.

Once you have a list of potential buyers who have submitted offers, you can choose one and begin the closing process. You will need to create an FL business purchase agreement that defines all the terms and conditions of the sale.

How to Buy a Business in Florida?

When buying a business in Florida, you first want to decide what type of business best fits your skills and interests. Then, it would be best to determine your budget and how you will go about financing. Once you have done that, you can start looking for businesses available for purchase.

As soon as you find the perfect one, you will want to set up a meeting with the seller. If you are still interested after your initial appointment, you will submit an offer through a letter of intent to the seller.

If they accept your offer, you must review the business purchase agreement and finalize the purchase. There will likely be negotiations on the sale price between you and the seller before you come to an agreed-upon sale price.

What Needs to Be Included in a Florida Business Purchase Agreement?

The buyer and seller will need to sign a Florida business purchase agreement toward the end of a sale. At the very least, this agreement should include:

• Who the seller is

• Who the buyer is

• What the sale includes, including all assets, equipment, etc.

• Whether existing employees will still work at the business after the sale

• The closing date

• If and how existing loans will be transferred

Florida Business Purchase Agreement Sample

Here is an example of what a business purchase agreement might look like. We also provide a downloadable template in PDF & Word format that you can fill out on your own.

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Business Purchase Agreement Screenshot

Florida Business Purchase Agreement

Start building your Florida business purchase agreement today!