Integration and Parallel Computing in Mathematica

In mathematica, how would I use parallel computing (or paralleltable) to compute the integrals of $x^2$, $x$, $3x$ from $x=0$ to $10$ just like in the first answer of After entering the three functions into a table, I'm not sure how to tell Mathematica to integrate the functions. I understand that parallel computing is not the most efficient method, but once I realize how to do this, I can extend it to a much more complicated series of functions. The motivation of this question is that I have a complicated function (see below) that takes a very, very long time to integrate (after two hours, the function still had not integrated). I'm hoping to break this function up into a group of slightly less complicated functions and utilize parallel computing to compute the integrals. If I can't do this, is there a way to let mathematica use all four cores on my computer to compute the integral, but not using parallel computing? Thank you.

(Sin[q - x] ((0.476497 - 0.401956 I) - (0.476497 + 0.598044 I) Tanh[ 0.933024 (q - x)]) + Cos[q - x] ((0.401956 + 0.504489 I) + (0.598044 + 0.504489 I) Tanh[ 1.06598 (q - x)])) (Sin[ q + x] ((0.476497 - 0.401956 I) - (0.476497 - 0.598044 I) Tanh[ 0.933024 (q + x)]) + Cos[q + x] ((0.401956 - 0.504489 I) + (0.598044 + 0.504489 I) Tanh[ 1.06598 (q + x)])) 

Note: I plan to integrate x between -10 and 10 where p and q are arbitrary variables so I can then plot the result as a contour map.